| on my work |

Heinz Cibulka, photo: Dreissinger, 1993
1943 Born in Vienna (Austria)
1957-61 Graphische Lehr-Versuchsanstalt Vienna (Austria)
Since 1972 photographic series, picture poems, objects, object tableaus,
digital image collages, and various medial projects in cooperation with other artists.
In addition to pictographic production lyrical and conceptual texts, and performances.
Teaching photography courses at the International Summer Academy Salzburg and at the Weinviertel Photographic Weeks, international workshops und lectures. From 1989 to 2002 direction of events at FLUSS- NÖ-Fotoinitiative, 1997-98 guest lecturer for artistic photography at Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna (Austria).
Since 1980 documenting Herman Nitsch's performances at numerous occasions.
Selected Exhibitions:
2014 Solo presentation, Gallery Curtze-Seiser Vienna at Art Austria, Leopold-Museum Vienna/A;
2013 The Cadence of Light and Dark, retrospective exhibition, COCA Centre of Contemporary Art, Torun/PL;
2012 Heinz Cibulka, Im Takt von Hell und Dunkel, MZM Hermann Nitsch Museum Mistelbach/A,
retrospective exhibition with numerous events; Heinz Cibulka - Stadtquartette, Gallery WESTLICHT, Vienna/A;
Photo Festival Chroniques Nomades/Sacred, Reims/F;
2011 Saft aus Sprache, Gallery Heike Curtze Vienna/A; Imagine - the visionary art of the 1970's,
NÖDOK, St.Pölten/A;
2010 Schwarzkogler - Cibulka, Gallery Am Stein, Schärding, OÖ/A;
2009 Meditationsweg Weinviertel, Ladendorf/NÖ/A; Double exhibition with Magdalena Frey, Budapest Galleries/HU;
Hommage to Béla Hamvas, Installation/film-wine-ham, Liget Galeria Budapest/HU; SPOTLIGHT Neuzugänge,
MDM Mönchsberg Museum der Moderne, Salzburg/A
2008 brain mix /the old and the new, Gallery Heike Curtze Vienna/A;
Retrospective, FLUSS Wolkersdorf/A;
obraz # (picture #), Museum of Photography, Krakow/PL
2007 obraz # (picture #), Municipal Gallery Poznan/PL, Ostrow Gallery/PL,
ACF Warsaw/PL, Wozownia Gallery, Torun/PL;
Likeness-Differences, ACF Gallery, New York/USA;
Cibulka Frey, the23project on linden, Long Beach, LA/USA;
Retrospective, Kunstverein Mistelbach/A
2006 Styrian Fruits, Kunsthaus Weiz/A;
Exposed World, Documentation Center for Modern Art St.Pölten/A;
Susanne Wenger, in cooperation with Magdalena Frey, Municipal Museum of Graz/A
2005 Retrospective, Haus der Kunst, Brno/CZ;
Early Performances' Relics, Galerie Hofstätter, Vienna/A;
Weinviertel Frieze "Mixed Composition",
and inauguration of the Zwischenraum exhibition facilities, Mistelbach/A;
2004 korea, Gallery Curtze, Berlin/GER;
Retrospective, Gallery Arsenal, Poznan/PL;
Stage set for the opera Zwischenfälle (Incidents)
by Christoph Coburger, Neue Oper Vienna/A;
Retrospective Gallery Wozownia, Torun/PL
2003 korea, Nunnery Gallery, London/GB;
nature as art, Museum of the Province of Lower Austria, St.Pölten/A;
korea, Gallery PICI, Seoul/Korea;
Gallery Curtze, Wien/A;
Retrospective, Museum Küppersmühle-Collection Grohte, Duisburg/GER;
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich/GER;
w.i.e.n. series, Casino Luxemburg/LUX;
2002 DOM-FOTO Poprad/SK;
Compost-performance Munui/Korea;
2001 Retrospective Fotogalerie Vienna/A;
Weinviertel Frieze "Mixed Composition" Museum-M, NOe/A;
From the Neighbour's Garden, Moravian Gallery Brno/CZ;
Cultural Institute Bratislava/SK;
2000 chinoiserie, Gallery Curtze, Düsseldorf/D and Vienna/A;
Santiago, Chile;
1999 mex 01-12, Gallery of the Province of Upper Austria, Linz/A;
Gallery of the Province of Carinthia, Klagenfurt/A;
1998 vienna, Gallery J.&J Donguy, Paris/F;
Gallery Curtze, Vienna/A;
Gallery Contretype, Brussels/BEL;
1997 Austrian Cultural Institute, London/GB;
Centro del Imagen, Mexico City/MEX;
Gallery Hummel, Vienna/A;
1996 prospect'96, Frankfurt/GER;
Studio Morra, Naples/I;
1994 Retrospective, ULUV, Prague/CZ;
Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham/GB;
Vienna-series, Gallery J&J Donguy, Paris/F;
1993 Antwerpen Photo Series, Museum of Photography, Antwerp/BEL;
Museum of the Province of Lower Austria, Vienna/A;
Center Nykyaika, Tampere/FIN;
1989 performance&photography, Gallery Krinzinger, Vienna/A;
1987 Berlin Photo Series, Sprengel Museum, Hanover/GER;
1986 DAAD-Gallery Berlin/D;
1984 Alpine Quartets, Museum Folkwang Essen/GER;
1983 Retrospectives in: Museum of Modern Art, Vienna/A,
Gallery Krinzinger Innsbruck/A,
Frankfurter Kunstverein/GER,
Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven/NL,
Gallery Curtze Düsseldorf/GER;
1981 Motor Vocal , compost performance and exhibition,
performance-festival ELAC Lyon/F;
photo - no photo, Mannheim/GER;
projekt om-theater by h. nitsch, Kulturhaus Graz/A;
Expanded Photography, Secession Vienna/A;
1980 Refusal of the Stand-Alone Picture, Folkwang Museum Essen/GER;
Photography as Art - Art as Photography, University of Kassel/GER;
Art as Photography, Museum of Modern Art, Vienna/A;
1979 Procession, performance in Stadtpark, graphic-biennal Secession Vienna/A;
Transmission, performance in the context of "europa 79", Stuttgart/GER;
Herbarium Bisamberg/A;
Compost, performance and exhibition, Gallery Defet, Nürnberg/GER;
1978 Vegetable Patches, performance-festival Vienna/A;
Kill-Eat-Procreate-Giving Birth, performance in the Museum of Modern Art,
1977 Compost, performance and exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, Bologna/I;
Herbal Sword, performance and exhibition, Neue Galerie Bochum/GER;
1976 Metabolism - Material Transformation, performance and exhibition,
Studio Morra, Naples/I;
solid-liquid-gaseous, performance and exhibition, Pari&Dispari, Bologna/I;
1975 Weinviertel, images and objects, Forum of Actual Art, Innsbruck/A;
1972 Stammersdorf - Eat, Drink, Transcripts of Wine Tavern Conversations,
music, photographic frieze, Forum Stadtpark Graz/A
Awards and Scholarships:
2006 Gold Medal of the Photographic Society Vienna
1998 Sebetia ter, Italy, international award for photography
1997 Austrian Award of Appraisal for photography
1994 Award of the province of Lower Austria for photography
1989 Rupertinum photo award
1985 DAAD-scholarship Berlin
1981 Austrian Award for photography
2007 obraz #, Editor Marta Smolinska-Byczuk;
2006 bruseum, self-published;
2005 Heinz Cibulka - Frühe Aktionsrelikte (Heinz Cibulka
Relics of Early Performances), Editor Galerie Hofstätter, Vienna;
2004 syria, self-published;
2003 Bildgenerationen 2 (image generations 2), Editor Casino Luxemburg;
korea, self-published;
2002 Heinz Cibulka Bildgenerationen (Heinz Cibulka image generations),
Editor: Museum of the Province of Lower Austria, St.Pölten;
2000 Werkschau - Arbeiten von 1965 2000 (Retrospective - 1965 - 2000),
Fotogalerie Vienna / Triton Verlag, Vienna; Chinoiserie,
deA-Verlag, Vienna / Gumpoldskirchen/A;
1999 mex 01-12, Galerie Heike Curtze, Vienna / Düsseldorf and Archiv Cibulka;
1998 aus nachbars garten (from the neighbor's garden), deA-Verlag, Vienna /
1997 1-17 Tatsachen (1-17 facts), Austrian Cultural Institut, London;
1996 Napoli - n'gopp e cient, Studio Morra, Naples/I;
1995 Antwerpen (Antwerp), City of Antwerp;
1993 Bild- Material (Image Material),
government of the province of Lower Austria,
1991 Linz wie Licht (Linz like Light) Neue Galerie Linz and self-published;
1989 aktion & Fotografie (performance & Photography),
Edition Gal. Krinzinger Wien;
Bilder-Setzkasten Weinviertel (Image Seed Tray Weinviertel), Editor Museum M;
1988 Wien - Floridsdorf-Donaustadt (Vienna - Floridsdorf-Donaustadt), self-published;
Nationalpark Hohe Tauern (Hohe Tauern National Park), Int. Summer Academy
Salzburg, Gallery Krinzinger, Vienna/A;
1987 Im Pechwald (In the forest of misfortune), in cooperation with Wieland Schmied,
daad-Gallery and Edition Hentrich, Berlin, Sprengel Museum, Hanover/GER;
1986 Inner Gebirg, (Inner Mountains), in cooperation with Kurt Kaindl,
Editor Gallery Fotohof Salzburg;
1983 Landalphabete (Rural Alphabets), Verlag Brandstätter Vienna,
expanded version of the catalogue Fotografische Arbeiten 1969-1983
(Photographic Repertoire 1969-1983); Heinz Cibulka - zum projekt
om-theater von hermann nitsch (Heinz Ciblulka on the project om-theatre by
hermann nitsch), Stedeljik Van Abbe Museum Eindhoven;
1981 Bauernlieder (peasants' songs), Edition Neue Texte, Linz;
1977 Mein Körper bei Aktionen von Hermann Nitsch und Rudolf Schwarzkogler
(My body in the performances of Hermann Nitsch and Rudolf Schwarzkogler),
Editioni Morra, Naples; Stoffwechsel (Metabolism), Editor Otto Breicha,
Kulturhaus Graz;
1975 Zeilen zu einem Notenbild (lines on a score image), self-published;
Stammersdorf, Zentralsparkasse Wien; Heinz Cibulka Bilder-Objekte Weinviertel
(Heinz Cibluka Image-Objects Weinviertel), Galerie im Taxispalais;